Some thoughts on selling things on Tindie
These are all of my posts made on various platforms which are then automatically accumulated here for posterity.
Install Disk 1 of Giant Stack
I am Menu Works old
Just kidding, here's my MNT Reform next to a PowerBook 180
Wikipedia seems to agree, indicating it started on Lisa OS:
"The keys involved all cluster together at the left end of the bottom row of the standard QWERTY keyboard"
I guess I should have actually looked at my keyboard before asking...
How did the keyboard shortcut for Paste become Command+V in Mac System 1? Obviously it couldn't be P because Print used that, but why V?
LaserWriter II was a fun read
I was sad OpenBSD wouldn't work on the original Raspberry Pi Zero since it was based on the original Pi 1 and we no longer have an armv6 port, but the Pi Zero 2 is based on the Pi 3 which is supported by OpenBSD/arm64 so hopefully it will work on this. I have one pre-ordered...
Pretty rad A/UX shirt - "/nev/dull"
After selling 21 of them, I only have one WiFiStation kit remaining and I will probably not be making/selling any more (myself, anyway)
I've returned to System 6 programming again after a hiatus. Recently I made a small revision control system called Amend to manage the code that I write on my Mac.
When you write a bunch of code at once and don't trust that it won't bomb the computer so you single-step through every line in the debugger to inspect variables along the way and it's actually working
This poor thing must take forever to boot