
joshua stein via - Jul 19 2024 18:50:02

For some reason I thought only electrolytic capacitors made during the "capacitor plague" era fail early, but my garage door opener from 2008 died the other day and it just needed a replacement 35v 300uF capacitor on its logic board to bring it back to life. The bad cap didn't bulge or leak though.

joshua stein via - Jul 01 2024 11:15:00

Maybe we can try this on more than just trains...

"We couldn't make this software secure, so this update adds googly eyes to it"

"Sorry your meal was awful, but we hope these googly eyes drawn on the bill will make up for it"

joshua stein via - Jun 25 2024 10:16:18

The TrackPoint cap and fingerprint reader filler were 3d-printed with flexible TPU filament which required a lot of experimentation with temperature and print settings to get a proper color, flexibility, and as little stringing as possible

The TrackPoint buttons and "i" in the ThinkPad logo were painted with a custom paint I had made to (eventually) match the final TPU prints as close as possible while also matching the actual Dolch logo

joshua stein via - May 30 2024 17:26:14

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